Duck Hollow Trail
Century 3 Mall Pittsburgh – Mostly Dead.
Goatsnake and COC – 8 years ago.
Steel City Comic Con
Just a few pics, it was a funny time!
I saw Robert Wagner, Catherine Bach, Tom Wopat, Michael Nesmith, Jyoti Amge (who is super cute!) and Tim Matheson. I’m on a serious budget right now so no pics or autographs.
I bought tix for this a few months ago when we were still in Seattle!
I’m glad I did that 🙂
Donnie Iris at Portogallo Peppers N’at (click to expand!)
Frick Park.
Frick Park in Pittsburgh, PA has changed since I was younger.
The trails have signs with corresponding names and are well defined with gravel.
This particular entrance underneath what used to be Foodland was sort of sketchy whenever I walked it. There used to be mattresses and interesting items around. Not anymore!
Now it has a name “Braddock Trail”.
I’m assuming that it has been there for a long time now but I haven’t explored that area in probably 35 years now.
Do teenagers still have keggers down there? Or are they all looking at their phones now?
I’m hoping that kids are still having good old fashioned devious fun like I did.
I was trying to remember where it was that I burned the rubber on my sneakers from being too close to the bonfire but my memory fails me.
I remember running from the police up an embankment that filtered out into a residential area in Regent Square. It was terrifying, I have never been much of a runner but I was never caught!
The old fire truck in the playground is no longer something that children can sit in and pretend to fight fires. I’m assuming that has been gone for a long time now.
The ground underneath the area with the swings is padded! Kids are so spoiled these days 😉
I took a few photos of my adventures as a much older person in the park of my younger years.
These are unedited photos taken with an iPhone 8+.